What Is Meant By Lent?

What Is Meant By Lent?

February 16, 2021Christianity, Kaleidoscope Happy Shrove Tuesday! (aka Pancake Tuesday). Today, traditionally is when we use up our spare ingredients in our household such as flour, milk and sugar in preparation for tomorrow (Ash Wednesday) which signifies the start of Lent. Read Ash’s article for more on the meaning behind Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent. #Pancake #AshWednesday #ShroveTuesday [...]
40 Years of Homosexuality Legalised in Scotland

40 Years of Homosexuality Legalised in Scotland

February 1, 2021Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ Today marks the 40th anniversary since homosexuality was legalised in Scotland (1981) — 14 years after England/Wales – by Section 80 of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1980 which came into force on 1st February 1981! Today, Scotland prides itself on being one of the most progressive countries in Europe on issues of sexuality and [...]
Happy Robert Burns Day!

Happy Robert Burns Day!

January 25, 2021Design, Kaleidoscope HAPPY Robert Burns Day! Today celebrates the the birthday of Robert Burns, a Scottish poet who is widely seen as the national poet of Scotland. He was born in 1759, so it’s 262 years since he was born! You can do many things to celebrate Robert Burns today like having a Haggis supper, drinking a [...]
20 Good Things that happened in 2020 for LGBTQ+ Rights

20 Good Things that happened in 2020 for LGBTQ+ Rights

January 8, 2021Design, Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ Obviously there have been many downs this year, but there have been a few upsides to 2020 for the queer community. Here are 10 Good Things that happened in 2020 for LGBTQ+ rights! #Kaleidoscope #LGBTQ #Community #2020 #GoodThings #Progress #Gay #ComingOut #Homosexual #SameSexMarriage #Pride #ConversionTherapy #BloodDonations #Decriminalised #Equality #LGBTQHistory


January 6, 2021Christianity, Design, Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ HAPPY EPIPHANY everyone! It’s January 6th, which is the date in the church calendar known as Epiphany and traditionally celebrates the arrival of the magi from the east who brought gifts to Jesus. Be sure to read Ash’s article for more on the expansive invitation of the Wise Men’s story. #Epiphany #WiseMen #12DaysOfChristmas #Jesus #Christ #Outsiders [...]
Kaleidoscope Launch!

Kaleidoscope Launch!

January 1, 2021Christianity, Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ HAPPY NEW YEAR!! And welcome to launch of KALEIDOSCOPE! Beginning in 2021, Kaleidoscope is an affirming community for people who wish to discuss Christian faith and sexuality, particularly in regards to LGBTQ+ inclusion in the church. There isn’t a particular theology set with this page (we welcome people of all church traditions and all views [...]
#MissionChristmas Song Contest Video

#MissionChristmas Song Contest Video

December 13, 2020Film, Impressions #ItsTimeToFaceTheVoices The #MissionChristmas Song Contest performed by ANDREW HANKINSON to raise money for West FM Cash For Kids! A big shout out to CHRISTOPHER BELSEY for arranging the music for this video and ANTHONY CHALMERS’ help to write ideas. After last year's success with the #MissionChristmas 12 Days of Christmas comedy video, this is a comedic [...]
Pink Saltire’s LGBT Equality Journey in Scotland Infographic

Pink Saltire’s LGBT Equality Journey in Scotland Infographic

October 13, 2020Design, Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ I was intrigued to find out more about LGBTQ+ history in Scotland, and discovered this pop-up infographic created by Pink Saltire describing Scotland's LGBT Equality Journey from 1603 to 2018. We have a long and important LGBT history in Scotland, documented over the years by a number of different organisations and dedicated individuals. Thanks to [...]
I AM Way

I AM Way

September 12, 2020Christianity, Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ What’s the best way? This is a question often asked by those who have lost their way or simply want to know the quickest and stress-free way to reach their destination. Luckily for this generation, we have practically unlimited access to information through maps, sat-navs and mobile phones that can answer and fit our particular [...]
Fullarton’s The LGBTQ Samaritan

Fullarton’s The LGBTQ Samaritan

July 19, 2020Christianity, Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ On the 19th of July, Neil Urquhart (minister at Fullarton ConneXions) chose to focus on 'The Good Samaritan' for the service's bible reading (which was live streamed on Facebook). Later on for the focus for the service he spoke of The Good Samaritan, in regards to the LGBTQ+ community particularly Peter Tatchell (Spokesperson for Outrage [...]
The Good Homosexual

The Good Homosexual

June 22, 2020Christianity, Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ Click play to the right to hear audio recording: https://andrew-hankinson.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/The-Good-Homosexual-1.m4a Is there such a thing as a “good” homosexual? The LGBTQ+ community has progressed massively in the last 50 years worldwide by affirming how a person chooses to identify/express themselves and their sexual orientation, but when it comes to Christianity there are still conflicting views [...]
Greatness From Small Beginnings

Greatness From Small Beginnings

June 14, 2020Design, Video Games "Greatness from small beginnings." Commonly known as a phrase from Sir Francis Drake in the Uncharted series for the PlayStation 3/4. Sir Francis Drake was knighted by the Queen and given a ring inscribed with the motto "Sic Parvis Magna" on the outside of it. In the first Uncharted game, Nathan Drake found the ring and kept [...]
What does LGBTTQQIAAP mean?

What does LGBTTQQIAAP mean?

June 8, 2020Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ Most of you will have a basic understanding of what the 4 letters stand for in the abbreviation L.G.B.T., but how many of you know what the following letters T.Q.Q.I.A.A.P. stand for or mean? Many folk probably didn't realise there were so many other letters or find it tricky to understand. I can vouch that [...]
Happy #Pride2020

Happy #Pride2020

June 1, 2020Design, Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ Happy #Pride2020 Here is a Last of Us themed Pride logo (19 days left until The Last of Us: Part II releases)! Loved the story in “Left Behind” and looking forward to the seeing Ellie’s story in upcoming game! #Pride #NewProfilePic #TheLastofUs