Glen Keane is an American animator, author and illustrator. His most popular work is associated Walt Disney Animation Studios for feature films including Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, etc. After working with the film Tangled and the Paperman short, he worked on a very a beautiful short film that recently debuted at Google’s I/O conference. “Duet”, an approximate 3 minute short visualising a boy and girls progression through life since birth through beautiful luminous sketches (Disney style). Well worth a watch! (below)
What the heck! And here’s the trailer for the Paperman short film by John Kahrs. Another beautiful short film (disney inspired) about a man who falls in love with a woman and aims to gain contact with her again until destiny comes in the form of paper airplanes. Probably one of my favourites, if not my favourite! If you want to see the full short it’s accompanied with the Wreck-it Ralph film!