#ItsTimeToFaceTheVoices The #MissionChristmas Song Contest performed by ANDREW HANKINSON to raise money for West FM Cash For Kids! A big shout out to CHRISTOPHER BELSEY for arranging the music for this video and ANTHONY CHALMERS’ help to write ideas.
After last year’s success with the #MissionChristmas 12 Days of Christmas comedy video, this is a comedic singing talent show with Kermit the Frog (Muppets), George Bailey (It’s A Wonderful Life) and the Grinch (How The Grinch Stole Christmas) as the judges with various iconic characters participating and singing Christmas tunes!
If you enjoyed the video (or even if you didn’t) please donate to Cash for Kids! Anything you can give will make a big impact for kids this Christmas (especially during COVID-19), whether it’s £5 or £500. You can donate 3 simple ways.
1) Follow the link underneath to donate via this video fundraising page on Facebook. This would give us a better idea of how much this video managed to raise, but any form of donation to Cash for Kids would help. www.facebook.com/donate/446598349837811/
2) Got to www.westfm.co.uk/mission to make a donation online
3) Or text a donation from your mobile (Text “WEST” to 70905 to donate £5, or text “WEST” to 70910 to donate £10)