LGBTQ+ Affirming Churches in Scotland List

LGBTQ+ Affirming Churches in Scotland List

September 5, 2022Christianity, Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ In case you've missed it, we have compiled an online directory of Scottish churches that have confirmed that their congregation, in some form or fashion, is an LGBTQ+ affirming Christian church. Currently, we have found or been informed of 39 affirming churches throughout Scotland in Aberdeen, Argyll, Dumfries, Dundee, East Kilbride, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverclyde, Inverness, [...]
Kaleidoscope LGBTQ+ Affirming Leaflet

Kaleidoscope LGBTQ+ Affirming Leaflet

June 25, 2022Christianity, Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ These our own handy guide leaflets which include information about Kaleidoscope and the LGBTQ+ affirming faith. Some of the stuff included is: A brief description of what LGBTQ+ affirming faith. Some of the qualities that distinguish an affirming church. A brief overview of the "Clobber Passages" in the Bible; aka the 6 verses about homosexuality [...]
Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

February 14, 2022Christianity, Design, Kaleidoscope, LGBTQ+ Probably the most well-known and widely celebrated feast days for any Saint in the church is February 14th, also known as St Valentine’s Day. Be sure to read Ash’s article to find out more about Saint Valentine.