Happy New Year everyone!
I’m not usually into that ‘New Year, New Me’ rubbish, but I’m going to take advantage for it for once. 2016 hasn’t been the best of years, but for me it has been a real eye opener so I’m going to get straight to the point.
My name is Andrew, I’m 23 and I’m gay.
Posting this on social media is something I thought I’d never do, even after starting to come out to my close friends and family half a year ago. All the people who are close to me have heard from me directly and I didn’t to that point realise how brilliant all these people were and even more so after I told them. I’ve already expressed my gratitude to them, but want to say again how awesome they all are!
It’s probably been about 8 years since I first realised that I way gay, but continued lying to myself and to others of who I was. For so long I thought it was just a phase and I’d grow out of it. I had absolutely no idea how my family and friends would react and it was the fear of losing them that haunted me the most. And growing up with as a Christian at the Fullarton, through which I made so many friends and had so much support for college and work, it is one of the scariest things to admit.
I’m still adjusting to it, but I’m still the same geeky guy that you already know. I just can’t live a lie or keep pretending to people that l’m still waiting for that right girl. To be completely honest I haven’t been in a relationship with anyone for so long because I was all over the place with this and didn’t know what to do.
But yep! This is me! …Hello. If you still want to be my friend, that’s brilliant! If not that’s your choice; I won’t hold it against you. Hope you all have a great year and live your life the way you want to.
Good for you, now move forward, your life is what you make it, you are responsible for what you do, think and feel.